
We hear you! Moms, your looking for new friends.

Find out more about upcoming "mom dates" in Antelope.

By Shannon Hrobowski October 20, 2021

New Mom? New to the area? Join us on playdates!

I am part of many Antelope and Sacramento based mom groups and at least once a day moms are asking for one thing!

New friends! 

About 9 years ago, when I first had my daughter I was very lonely as a stay at home mom and joining a new moms group was the best thing I did for myself and my daughter. Fast forward to now and the lady in the picture with me is not just my friend, she is family! I really don't know how I would have been able to get through all the trials that raising a child brings. 

If your looking for quality friendships for you and your child I hope you will join us in Antelope on our weekly "mom play dates". 

We are taking the awkward, "would you like to get together next week" out of the equation. We are helping you form quality friendships by providing a space to meet. 

I will be planning small groups to gather in safe ways that allow you and your child to make new friends. 

Why am I doing this? I have a background in education, including my Bachelors in Child Development. I was a former preschool and toddler teacher. I love children and know it is very important for both of you to have fun things to do in Antelope! 

So... If you have a child from the ages of newborn to 5 please fill out this survey and then I will contact you when I get a group that fits your needs. 

I am excited to provide this space for you!